Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Price Is Right

    How many years has Bob Barker or his announcer been saying, "And this showcase can be yours, if the price is right!"  As that statement has been true for that popular game show, it is all the more true when it comes to selling a home in today's market.


    As a Realtor, I can tell you that it was really nice when all I needed to do was put a sign in a yard to start my phone ringing.  Since the market has changed, I find myself occasionally picking up to phone just to make sure it still has a dial tone.  The market has changed and so have the rules in getting a home sold.


    The three big issues in getting a home sold revolve around the marketing being fine tuned for the type of buyers that would be attracted to a specific home, the over all condition of the home and the price.  Of these three, ultimately, the price is crucial.  If priced too aggressively, due to the larger number of homes on the market in contrast to buyers, the home will get few if any showings.  The home must be priced based on the condition of the home and the neighborhood it is in.


    Think of it like this, when buying a dress or a suit, you know the size you wear.  It is very unlikely that a size 44 suit will be bought or even seen if it is put on the size 48 rack.  Why would you, or any other buyer, waste their time looking in sizes that they cannot wear?  When applied to our current market, it is all the more true about a home.


    So, to win the prize, you will get your home sold,... if the price is right!